
You can contact us using the following communication methods (phone, email and company social media addresses).


+97 14 5752 325


Paymnet methods Max Withdraw Processing time Commisson
Min Deposit
Per transaction
Per day Deposit Withdraw for deposit For withdraw
Wire transfer 100$ Unlimited Unlimited Instant 24h No Fee 50$ Wire Fee
Cryptos 100$ 100,000$ 100,000$ Instant 24h 0% 0%


General rules and conditions for Deposits and Withdrawals:

1.According to generally acceptable AML rules and regulations, withdrawals must be performed only through the same bank account or credit/debit card or EPS that you used to deposit the funds. Unless we agree otherwise, withdrawals from the Account may only be made in the same currency in which the respective deposit was made. Instant it means we are processing your request instanlty .but it depends on your desired payment system to be reflected and transfered to your FX or Payment account

3.All the payment procedures should be done through client panel and can not be done by any third partiy.

The company will not accept direct payments or payments to third parties. All the information you need regarding transactions can be found in your FXParamount panel.

4.The company reserves the right to change the processing time for deposits and withdrawals without prior notification.

5.Please note that some issuing banks may not allow credit/debit card deposits. If impacted, please choose another option or contact your Account Service Manager for assistance.